Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

How To Identify A Dental Emergency Caused By A Cracked Tooth

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A tooth can crack due to actions such as biting into a hard object, falling, or getting hit during sports. That said, when a tooth cracks, it can be extremely painful, depending on the intensity of the injury. You should know that some cracks are severe and require emergency care. Here are factors that will help determine if your cracked tooth is a dental emergency. Noticeable Crack After a tooth injury, it is likely for a visible crack to form.…

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5 Tips To Get Ready For A Dental Cleaning

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Regular dental cleanings are recommended for adults and children of all ages. These cleanings can remove hardened plaque and reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. While it might not seem necessary to prepare for something as routine as a dental cleaning, it may actually make the experience better. Here are a few tips to get ready for a dental cleaning. Avoid Whitening Your Teeth Some people whiten their teeth right before a dental appointment to show how well they have taken care of their teeth over the year.…

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Do You Want To Remove The Metal From Your Mouth? FAQs About Crowns And The Cosmetic Dentist

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How can a cosmetic dentist help you transform a mouth filled with metal molars into a natural smile? Whether you have gold or silver amalgam fillings, take a look at what you need to know about cosmetic dentistry, restorations, and creating a pearly white smile.  Should You Remove Gold or Amalgam Crowns? While you can replace these crowns, you don’t necessarily have to. The American Dental Association (ADA) notes that amalgam crowns (often referred to as silver crowns because of their appearance) are safe, durable, and effective.…

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